Mittwoch, 17. August 2022

Review: In Chaos We Reign - Amo Jones (ENGLISH VERSION)



  • Titel: In Chaos We Reign (Midnight Mayhem Series)
  • Author: Amo Jones
  • Price: 4,86 € or free in kindle unlimited
  • Format: E-Book
  • Releasedate: 14.08.2022
  • Publisher: selfpublished
  • Languauge: englisch


I was the trick that they could never play.
She was the greatest game of all…

There is elegance that comes from being carved from the ashes of all the darkness that surrounds you in the world. You start as dust, and you end as dust. At least that’s what I always thought. Crowned Princess Mayhem all my life became old fast, and I found myself forging my iron crown with the blood of our enemies.

To The Brothers of Kiznitch, I was nothing but a little brat that always got my way. I was the sister none of them asked for, but they’d find themselves needing. He was no different. Loving Keaton Cicero was never going to be easy. There was evil within him that would never be accepted.

They thought their over-protectiveness had kept me safe all these years, but they were wrong. Everything they thought they knew… was about to burn around them. I wasn’t someone who needed protecting…

They were


EPIC! It was a thrill to read this book and a glorious ending of one of my favorite series. 
I loved everything: the angst, the connection between all the characters and the unsuspected plottwists. 
Amo, this was perfect. I could definitely understand,why these two are your favorite couple. 
Cartier is badass and Keaton.. yeah he is Keaton 😂🙈 
I had Goosebumps while reading this book. What I love the most is, that you never know where the story will end. In none of the books of Amo Jones. When you think you know where the storyline goes.. nope, you never will 😂 I just love the chaos 🤯
It felt like coming home to go back one last time to Midnight Mayhem.
These two could not beat “In Silence she screams” because no one will ever kick my sweet psychos from the throne, but It was sooooo close. 
It’s hard to not spoiler the story. So let me just say one thing: Go read this damn book ❤️! 
Must read and 5 🌟! 
You could read every book of this series as a stand-alone but I would highly recommend to read in order. 
You will love the characters even more. 
P.S. always check out the music when it’s mentioned in the book 🎶 

Rating: 5/5 Sterne 

Thanks to Amo Jones and Butterfly PR for sending me the ARC

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